Wednesday, January 13, 2010

life as it is....

Lately, D and I are experiencing lots of the peace we have prayed for.  We go to work, come home, take care of children, clean, laundry, bath time, late night snack (a must for Mr. Heyward) and bed.  It is so nice.  No big obligations coming up, no major stressors in our lives, just living.  God has already blessed us!  I have to mention though that I am going to spend the weekend with ONLY my husband!  We are going to do all things relaxing this weekend together, no PINEHURST!  I can't imagine being without the children for two nights...its been a while since I have done that, but I am very excited! Thank you God for listening to our prayers.  This year has started off fantastic!  I love you D, you and I have something great!  I love you Hey and LB, I would give my life for each of you!


Conrad & Cara Deese said...

ahhhhh.....breathe......have fun

Amanda said...

That is so wonderful! I cannot wait for one of those weekends away! Hope you had a great time!