Monday, December 29, 2008

Piano Man

So...Mommy is having fun with her new camera!

Christmas 2008

We had a wonderful Christmas this year! Come to think of it, I haven't ever had a bad one! Santa was very good to Heyward and Mommy! I got a new camera loaded with all kinds of neat things that I am still learning how to use. Here are a few pictures taken with my new toy to highlight our day!

Waking up to see if Santa came!

Santa drank all the milk, ate two cookies (notice all the cookies for Santa, I think his eyes were too big for his stomach),and the reindeer ate all the carrots.

Santa left an easel with all kinds of art supplies!
He even left a nice note!
Heyward helped pass out presents once everyone arrived!
Santa left a Smart Cycle at Meme and Papa's!
Heyward and sweet cousin Anna Christmas night.
This is just a touch of all the fun things we did for Christmas. We are very grateful to have all of our family close by so it is important to us to spend time with all of them this time of year. Thank you God for sending your only son so that we may have eternal life with you! Happy Birthday Jesus!

Monday, December 22, 2008

Oh boy! He is now computer savy!

Well, kind of... I had to work for Meme today at her store and Heyward tagged along. When business picked up I introduced Heyward to a toddler-friendly computer game to keep him busy and out of the way of customers. I briefly showed him how to navigate the computer mouse and click on certain buttons so that he could play the game. I had no idea the trouble I was getting myself into! He sat and played on the computer for over an hour! He loved it! He even became really good at using the mouse to move and click on things. Now he wants a computer so he can play games at home. I think his request is too late for Santa this year, but maybe next! I can't believe my baby is old enough to play computer games!

Notice he is using his left hand in most of the pictures....I guess he is going to be left handed for sure, he has made no effort to switch hands.

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Changes for our Family...

Some of you may already know, but I wanted to make the official announcement. My Mom and Dad will be moving to Raleigh after Christmas. Dad will be starting a new job on the 15th of December and we are so proud of him. He has really moved mountains, taken brave strides and accomplished lots in the past few years. He went back to finish his college degree at the same time Ashley was graduating high school. He has sought out education beyond a BA with Progress Energy and has now been able to prove his talent and skills to be wanting and valuable. We couldn't be more proud of him and wish him the best of luck in his new job! We are sure beyond a doubt that he will be successful because he is so motivated and determined. We love you Daddy!

P.S. We plan on becoming frequent visitors of the Raleigh area and will be calling Gaga and Deda to come home lots, especially when Laurie Beth comes!

Christmas Parade 2008

I hated to miss out the parade this year, but Daddy, Becee and Bop took Heyward! They had a great time!

(Look how handsome my two boys are!!!!)

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

It's a wise's an, it's MARY!!!

This week Miss Sue's class is learning through playing this week in school. Each day so far they have dressed up as parts in the story of Jesus' birth. I was so proud of my little wise man on Monday and adored the beautiful angel that pranced by my classroom on Tuesday! This morning as I dropped Heyward off in his room he proceeded to tell that "Mommy had baby Jesus in her tummy"!!!!!!!! Then to my surprise he dressed as Mary today and did his march around school cuddling the baby Jesus! D and I are so proud!

Getting ready for Christmas!

First I have to brag on my husband just a little. He never once complained this year about having to take down Christmas stuff from the attic, or stringing the lights on our tree. He has been such a big help since my "energy level" is significantly lower than normal at this point. He has helped me with gift ideas and been the most wonderful daddy on several occasions lately where I have had something to do. I am more than grateful for him. I truly love him more and more as the days go by....
We went the day before Thanksgiving and got our tree. Heyward helped pick out which one we were to get. We have gone to the same spot and bought our tree since the first year we were married. Heyward was such a good helper and here are a few pics to prove it!

Wednesday, November 19, 2008


Heyward is getting more and more independent and adventurous! I think D and I are in for a very eventful life with our Hey man! Yesterday he didn't take an afternoon nap since he was napping most of the morning. But around 6:30 he asked for his blankie and paci and I told them they were on his bed and for him to go and get them. 10 minutes later he calls out from his bedroom, "I need some juice Momma!" So like the obedient mother I am I quickly brought him juice. He was in his bed and he asked that I turn on the movie "Cars." So I did. He laid there just as an adult would and watched almost the entire movie. It was wonderful. I got tons of stuff done and just kept checking on him. Later on that night he comes to me and says, "I want a snack." So I bring him a snack in bed and realize he has drank all his juice. So I told him that he probable needed to go potty before he fell asleep. As I go to get his snack I hear him moving around in his room. When I return he is back laying on the bed. So I ask again for him to please go potty for Momma. Usually I have to help him go. But the sweet little boy says, "I already go." I am thinking GREAT! He has wet his big boy pants and probably his bed. But he and the bed are dry! I go and check his little potty and see that in fact he has gone potty ALL BY HIMSELF! Now Heyward has been going to the potty with assistance on and off for a long time now. Sometimes his wants to go like a big boy and other days....well he could care less. But for him to go all by M&M bribery...well, this was a first! I love him so much and am so proud of him today for being such a good boy yesterday. He is the light of my life...well D comes in a close second!

Oh Baby, It's a Girl!!!!!

For sure! 100%! All girl! I am so excited!

D and I went to the doctor for another ultrasound on Tuesday and we took Heyward. He has been asking a lot about the baby and calls her "Laurie Beth" ,so he was excited to be going to see his baby sister. I don't think he really understood that he would just be seeing her via an ultrasound maching and not necessarily in person. He feel asleep on our way to the doctor and slept through the entire ultrasound. I had to have some bloodwork sone afterwards and he woke up during that and said, "Where's Laurie Beth? I wanna see Laurie Beth!" Poor thing! I will attach a few images from this last ultrasound later tonight.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

North Carolina trip

Heyward went to Greensboro yesterday to visit Aunt Ann with Becee, Bop, Aunt Kathy and B (cousin Benton). They went out to eat and visited a museum. They had a great time! D and I love our families and are so grateful for them. It pleases us that Heyward is able to be close to each of them. Our hopes are that he will inhereit the many, many great character traits that they have.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Fun times in the yard...(before it got cold!)

Becee and Bop love to play with Heyward in the yard when they come over and of course his favorite thing to play is BALL! Here are a few from a few weeks ago.

*I think his form is good, but notice the ball in the background? We'll have to consult Joe Cap about this in the near future!

*Here is one of Daddy playing ball...Heyward's favorite thing to go and do is watch Daddy play ball and run around at the ball field!