Today I went to the doctor for a check-up and to hear my baby's heart beat. I have been waiting for this appointment because I needed the reassurance that things were fine and I had a healthy, growing baby. With Heyward, I had an ultrasound around 9 weeks just to confirm how far along I was, but nothing with this baby. I do feel pregnant, but I knew that until I heard the heartbeat or saw an ultrasound it wouldn't feel real. What scared me today was the doctor couldn't find a heartbeat. I totally stressed out and she ordered me an immediate ultrasound. Thank goodness Mom went with me today, because it helped me stay calm and collected during the wait for the ultrasound. Finally, we were called back and got to see baby Brown. Everything is fine and our little baby was all over the place, very energetic! Heyward got to see the baby too! He kept saying, "I see that baby, that my baby!" Talk about melting your heart!!!! So, what was a nerve wrecking, high stress hour turned out to be a wonderful thing. In the end, I got to gush over pictures of my baby and see Heyward bond with a picture of his little brother or sister. D and I will go back on October 20th for another ultrasound and at that time we will find out if we are having a little girl or boy. Either way, I am totally excited and since the ultrasound I feel so much more connected to this baby. Thank you God for watching over my family today! I will post some pictures this weekend.