Thursday, September 4, 2008

Why are the walls so thin?

I made trips to two different Doctor's offices today. The first was with Mom and we got great results from her ultrasound. We are so relieved that test is clear and continue to pray for the next test... a colonoscopy next week. The second visit was with Hey man to Dr. Beth's office. Our appointment was at 3:15 and Hey hadn't taken a nap yet. He was wound up and all over the office. I am sure all the parents with calm children were wondering what I fed Heyward today so that they could avoid his bubbling energy with their own babies. It didn't get too bad until we were put into our own room. The nurse and I were talking and I was trying my best to answer her questions while watching my little angel. Before I knew it he had climed up on the examination table via the handles on the cabinets and was jumping up and down and running the length of the table. I quickly grabbed him and held him firmly in my lap until the nurse left. The next series of events that happened need not be mentioned specifically, but I will say that Heyward was screaming and I had to raise my voice several times. This got me thinking about just how ridiculously thin walls are in Doctor's offices. I am sure our neighbors thought about calling DSS on me because I am sure it sounded like I was beating my child to death. To my relief, there wasn't any police cars in the parking lot pending my arrest for child abuse and we made it home. Of course, Heyward was fast asleep before we pulled out of the parking lot. I guess I have to chalk this one up to one of those embarrassing moments of parenting. Just in case, I want you all to know I love my Hey so much and do not abuse him:)

1 comment:

Conrad & Cara Deese said...

WOW! i'm getting the video from that office! how can you put a "spankie" on our precious little boy!!!
j/k...this is histerical!! i'm so glad you're going through all this before me so I can call you for help later.....!!!

love ya! and HANDS OFF! ahha